mini mini update + what's next?

hello everyone! 

this is just to say that a slightly improved version of Early Lily Days has been released, featuring a few improvements such as slightly better contrast between the windows and the backgrounds, fixed sprites for Cernelle as well as adding a font that isn't ren'py's basic font! woohoo! 

the jury's response for this project very positive, and most of these improvements had been done following their feedback, so I hope it does feel a smidge better to play for you. 

As for the future, I intend to make mor stuff, whether it be about Cernelle and Inima or other vn projects, at least with my current knowledge. I have had in mind for a while rather silly projects such as Ultrakill based dating sims, or a Mother/Super Smash Bros romance visual novel, which are things I would like to get a start on soon enough, but I would also like to try and create more "original" projects, with my own characters and so on. They will all be free with no donations, whether they be fanprojects or fully original, as I do not want to make any of this into an income source (ruins a lot of the relaxing aspect of it to me, among other reasons.). A French version of Early Lily Days might also come at some point, given it is within my own reach .

For now though, I'm gonna try resting a bit and playing Mother 3 and Earthbound (the latter of which celebrates its 30th anniversary this August!) for that latter silly boy's love vn, but other than that we'll stay chill for now. (only sleeping three hours after intense work isn't ideal for your body, as you all know.)

Thank you to all my friends both in real life as well as from the Tumblr/art Ultrakill community for having helped me both emotionally morally through this year and making the idea of this game possible, and thank you to the people who have played the 24 hour version, as well as you reading this! 

Hope to see you soon once I'm a little more rested! Have a great summer!

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Jun 08, 2024 100 MB
Jun 08, 2024

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